What did I do on a daily basis as a New Media and Marketing Manager? Well, the short answer is – A LOT.

What I loved about this job is that I actually experimented in so many different areas in the field, I have learned what I love to do, what I don’t love, what excites me and what bores me.

As the New Media and Marketing Manager of Mai Center, I ran and operated every single media asset the center has. The main ones are – The official website, All social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok), Meta Business Suite and Ads Manager, Newsletters, Canva, video editing, and more!

I also got to experiment with more traditional methods of marketing – newspapers, billboards, brochures and school fairs. I managed most of the graphic design for the programs and projects of the center, and I had a regular communication with the Municipality of Jerusalem’s spokespeople.

Mai Center is a youth center for teenagers, with programs that focuses on leadership, activism and entrepreneurship. The center prides itself with nurturing a lot of bright and inspiring teens that have done a lot of good in the city of Jerusalem. You can see that pride in the center’s social media platforms, and witness some of my best works – designing and content writing!

I encourage you to learn more about the center, I believe it has an incredible cause and wonderful people who work on it. If you know of any way you could help or collaborate, please make sure to reach out.